Serial Founder and CEO of German Deep Tech Group
In Marc Hildebrandt’s more than twenty years of experience as a serial investor and entrepreneur in deep tech, he’s earned a reputation for his ability to develop highly complex technology and introduce scientific innovation to the market. After his brief stint at the renowned Hasso Plattner Institute, Marc founded his first deep tech company that he went on to sell to Autodesk in 2008. The successful startup, LandXplorer, was but the first of many fruitful forays in tech. After starting several other successful ventures, Marc founded the German Deep Tech Group as a holding. His entrepreneurial interests extend into creating sustainable and disruptive innovations, such as artificial intelligence, crypto technology, and advanced analytics. Hildebrandt spends his time between Spain and Germany.
He Speaks on Topics such as:
Leveraging the Potential of Deep Tech
Entreperneurship in the Digital Space
Sustainable Investment
Transforming Science into Business Value
Press and Speech Inquiries for Marc Hildebrandt:

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung • "Ein Programm wie ein Skyline"
Computerwoche • "IT-Freiberufler: Die sechs gemeinsten Gründerfallen"
Digital Kompakt • "German Deep Tech – ein spannender Tech-Inkubator unter dem Radar"
Handelsblatt KI Summit • Referentenprofil
Business Geomatics • "Firmenschmiede für Digital Engineering"
Roland Berger, Maibornwolff, the HPI, & Seerene • "Navigating Software Production"
Roland Berger, the HPI, & Seerene • "Learning Curves"
Microsoft, the HPI, & Seerene • "Softwareproduktion & Sustainability"
Seerene • "Softwareproduktion aus Sicht der CFO"